Les belles histoires de Zoé

Le thème du trimestre à l’école est : les hommes préhistoriques. Les enfants avaient le choix entre différentes activités. Zoé a choisi d’écrire un texte. Je vous le livre tel quel:

The Story Of Ug And Meg

Once upon a time, over 10,000 years ago, there lived a little boy called Ug. It was such a long time ago, that it was Stone Age. So no video games, no TV, no nothing. Ug had a little sister named Red-berry. They both really loved to get leaves, nuts and berries to eat; but Ug wasn’t old enough to go hunting, (he might get squashed by a woolly mammoth) and girls aren’t aloud to hunt. (Not fair!)

One day, Ug, Red-berry and their mum went gathering some food, when Ug heard something shuffle in the bushes. “Who’s there? “He asked,shaking. “Probably just a small rat .” Answered his mother. ” No, it’s something bigger! “Replied Ug, still terrified of what was in there. “Oh,just leave it alone! ” Said Red-berry, fed up with her brother complaining.Then, a tiny little trunk peeped out. Ug wanted to show his mum, but she just kept on going. Normally, when you see an animal you would kill it, but Ug cared a lot about animals, so tried going a bit nearer to it. The closer he got, the more he could see the animal. Suddenly, a small head looked out. It was a woolly mammoth!

The night was beginning to fall, and if Ug showed the mammoth to his dad, he would roar with anger.( And at that time, no one had pets. )And Ug knew that if he waited for to long, it would end up eaten for breakfast! “Come on,Ug! “Shouted his mum. “Coming! “replied Ug, hesitating. What could he do? Then,Ug knew exactly what to do. Ug secretly put the animal in a gap between his house and a pile of rocks, and then put more rocks so that it wouldn’t escape. “UG!!! ” Shouted red-berry, very impatiently. Ug rushed over before they got too impatient. “I hope it doesn’t get away! “He said to himself.

The very next day, Ug didn’t even say good morning, there was no time. I hope nobody noticed that the creature was there all night long! Suddenly, a long, brown trunk appeared in front of him. Ug smiled. Just to be safe, Ug looked around to check if anyone was there. No one. It was much to early for anyone to wake up! Ug grabbed the trunk and the animal lifted him up into the air, higher and higher he went. Then he thought that he couldn’t keep on calling it creature or animal, so he was going to give it a name. “Charlie?” He thought. “Or Zoe! “Thinking of a name was hard, there were so many choices! In the end, he decided to name it Meg. Just then, Ug had a brainstorm. “Dads usually like things with a good reason to use it, right?” he asked Meg. “What if you could help him go hunting, or scare terrorists away!” Meg looked a bit shocked, but she agreed. They were both probably a bit nervous! But what needs to be done needs to be done.

Suddenly, his dad appeared in front of the house, calling: “UG!” He thought that Ug ran away! But,he didn’t look cross, he just looked worried. This was the time to get the plan in action! To make sure that Meg followed Ug, he hang on to Meg’s trunk. Ug slowly walked towards his father, for he’s never been this frightened in his hole life! Ug’s father saw him… and what did he do? He ran straight for him without telling him off for having a mammoth’s trunk in his hand. But then…(oh oh!) Ug’s father asked “What’s this?” As if Ug had hid something for a very long time. “I thought, well, I…I…” stammered Ug.” come on Ug, no secrets in this family.” answered his dad, very suspiciously. “I found it in the bushes, and…” Ug was hesitating a lot now.”I found it in the bushes and thought that Meg could help you with hunting or scaring off terrorists! ” Said Ug as quickly as he could. ” Meg? ” asked his father,calmer than I thought he would be. It turns out that Ug’s dad really liked the idea of Meg helping him,and they lived happily ever after.

The End

6 réflexions sur « Les belles histoires de Zoé »

  1. Excellent ! J’adore les petits commentaires (pas d’animaux familiers à l’époque) l’idée des terroristes à effrayer. C’est super super !!!
    Je ne suis pas très douée en anglais mais il me semble qu’il n’y a pas de fautes. Soit je ne les ai pas remarquées, soit tu les as corrigées, soit elle n’en fait pas du tout ?
    En tout cas les idées et la narration sont géniales ! Bravo Zoé !!!

    • Aha ! Si, il y a des fautes. Notamment des homonymes mal écrits (to/too, aloud/allowed, hole/whole). Mais les profs ici ont plus de tolérance sur la question, donc on laisse faire.

      L’histoire initialement devait être beaucoup plus longue, avec une maman mammouth qui cherchait son petit, etc. Mais elle a manqué de temps. D’où la fin un peu rapide…

  2. “Great story Zoe!”.
    Une future auteure votre Zoe? J’aime les petites notes comme “girls aren’t aloud to hunt. (Not fair!)” .
    Et surtout, on devrait tous avoir un mammouth pour faire peur aux terroristes!

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